Five Easy Ways to Love Chocolate (and Not Get Fat)
1. Eat chocolate for breakfast. I can write a book about this philosophy but all you really need to know is this: eating the good stuff earlier in the day means you get the whole day to burn it. Research shows chocolate boosts energy levels (comparable to coffee) anyway. The first thing I did when I woke up this morning was eat two squares of Cote d Or's dark chocolate with pistachios. I ate it with my eyes half-open—and no shame.
- (Psst, I'm not the only one who thinks chocolate for breakfast is cool. See what Serious Eats had to say about the phenomenon.)
3. Eat chocolate when you're happy. So you know that logic that justifies a chocolate binge when you're feeling low in spirits and high in cravings? Well, that logic makes you fat. Make chocolates a reason to celebrate instead and save yourself the mindless eating. Pity parties are never cool anyway, and waking up next to empty candy wrappers? Not sexy.
4. Saving some for later saves you calories. I've been known to tear through a box of truffles like nobody's business but on days when I practice more self-control (i.e. bikini season), I eat chocolate in bits and pieces. It once took me three days to finish a 2X3 brownie (and it tasted better the more I ate it!). Break that candy bar into seven pieces and enjoy chocolate everyday—minus the guilt.
and my favorite rule of thumb...
5. Sharing is caring...for your body. Your pre-school teacher was right all along. This no-fail rule cuts your calorie intake by as much as half—or so much more, depending on how many dessert buddies you have. Believe that good chocolate must be shared, if only because calories must be split. Keep this in mind the next time you hide chocolate under your pillow.