Depression is a serious medical condition with a variety of symptoms. There's no simple explanation as to why people experience this. It's a complex disease that may develop for a variety of reasons. It can affect anyone at any age, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, or income level. Chocolate’s claims to being a “mood food” are supported by a study which finds that people at risk of depression appear to eat more of it.The more clinically depressed people become, the more chocolate they eat,a study has found.
Emotional changes after eating chocolate were examined in everyday life. Thirty-seven healthy, normal-weight women ate a chocolate bar, an apple or nothing and rated their subjective state 5, 30, 60 and 90min after eating. Both chocolate and the apple reduced hunger, elevated mood and increased activation, but the effects of the chocolate were stronger. Eating chocolate was also followed by joy and. Positive emotional responses appear to be due to sensory pleasure and it's anticipation and may also be related to reduced hunger.
Indulging in chocolate may help lift one’s mood,there are several ways in which chocolate could boost mood:
* Stimulation of self-treatment or self-medication with chocolate
* Stimulation of chocolate craving for reasons unrelated to depression
* Chocolate may drive depressive symptoms, rather than vice versa
* Inflammation or other physiologic factors might drive chocolate craving and depression
Where do you get it?
Chocolate is readily available in various forms with CHOCOLATE TEMPTS. However, one study found that dark chocolate satisfied craving better than white chocolate or cocoa powder.